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Get to Know Me 

debbie sitting at the table

My name is Debbie Basden. Born and educated in the UK with a BSc from Cardiff University and an MSc from Durham University before starting my career in South  Africa. After 4 years I returned to work in Bristol within the insurance sector for 10 years, before moving to Kenya as a Management Consultant with Pricewaterhouse Coopers focusing on the private sector.


I have had my share of life bumps; as a child my best friend died of a brain tumour, then two years later my classmates moved to senior school while I had to re-do my final junior year with pupils I thought of as my sisters friends, all because the school year 11+ dates had changed. I definitely know what heartache is and what it takes to feel whole again after being in an abusive and controlling relationship that leaves you depressed and doubting yourself. And I have known people who have unfortunately died during four terrorist attacks that each made breaking headline news across the world, as well as working with traumatised survivors. 


Even though my NLP and EFT journey started about 10 years ago after one of those bumps, I have been able to help others regain their balance with empathy and compassion when they were going round in circles or experiencing a bumpy patch. 


During the last 20+ years transforming organisation structures, cultures and processes in the Eastern Africa region, I also enhanced my professional qualifications as a; Life Coach, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Master Practitioner, Accredited Advanced EFT Practitioner, Havening Practitioner in addition to Advanced Core Transformation Practitioner and a Diploma in Human Resources Management.


I successfully brought some of those techniques into my consulting projects, while also starting to work with individuals; have been practicing regularly since late 2013, conducting hundreds of private sessions with Clients located in the UK, Europe, Middle East, India, Australia, Africa and the USA.


Now living in South Wales I continue to assist people all over the world to balance their outlook and improve their mental health (overcome trauma / PTSD, depression / anxiety / panic, imposter syndrome, grief, OCD, phobias such as spiders, fear of public speaking etc) and procrastination as well as helping individuals improve their capabilities (e.g presentation or interview skills), and solve business problems (e.g how to improve team work or enhance their CV).

Debbie showing tapping technique
About Me: About Me


NLP and EFT are labelled as a positive or proactive psychology as Clients transform, align and balance all aspects of their daily life.  EFT and Havening also fall under the umbrella of energy psychology. Whatever label is used, the aim is to improve your positive emotions and mental health.


However, as with many things in life, differing opinions exist, and this applies to the public perception of NLP and EFT which is sometimes met with scepticism and mistrust. Across the internet, NLP is advertised as a method of seduction and manipulation which is very different to the intention of any ethical practitioner. 


In order to retain my membership status with the professional organisations listed below, I must undertake continuous professional development (CPD) to expand and maintain my skills and attend regular mentoring sessions to ensure that I am working ethically and responsibly with Clients;

Stress, Anxiety, Wellbeing
Stress, Anxiety, Wellbeing
Stress, Anxiety, Wellbeing
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